Environmental Policy

We will endeavour at all times to manage Taipan in accordance with all regulatory requirements and abide by local bylaws and the Department of Environment Waste Management Strategies.

It is Taipan’s policy to be an environmentally responsible business, in the endeavour to achieve this, we encourage all staff to minimise waste and use other innovative means available to reduce waste, reuse packaging and recycle when and where possible.

All waste shall be disposed of in the most appropriate and environmentally sensitive way possible. If necessary for compliance, suitably qualified specialist contractors shall be engaged for disposal.

Actions to reduce our ecological footprint at Taipan include but are not limited to: 

  • Washing of plant and equipment is to be carried out in appropriate areas, should you be unsure of where, please ask
  • Cars and the likes of light commercial vehicles can be washed on grassed areas preventing the opportunity for wastewater to run off into stormwater drain
  • Should there be a need to mix chemicals this should only be done in the appropriate area and in accordance with the MSDS
  • Under no circumstances are chemicals to be discharged into drains or waterways. Kerbside gutters flow to drains and waterways
  • Excess and waste chemicals are to be disposed of in accordance with the MSDS