
This is an on-line induction assessment for the Taipan Company Policy and will assist you in familiarising yourself with Taipan’s philosophy, policies and procedures, ‘The Taipan Way’.

It must be completed with reference to the complete detailed manual. This can be accessed by all staff at Company Policy. This document is also located in X:HR PublicPolicies on work computers and hard copies are available at each branch.

  • Please work through the sections of our induction and periodically there will be a series of questions to complete as an assessment.
  • These will allow you to demonstrate your understanding of how each section applies to you personally and practically within your current role.
  • We are always looking to improve and would welcome your comments and any proposals regarding this induction course.
  • If you need any help or have any questions please refer to your direct manager.

Welcome….. to Taipan!